Representation of the Boris Gorbunov. Results of simulation of the Former of Pulses of Defibrillation

The simulation was conducted by the PSpice program for the former without of the bridge switch of polarity for three values of resistance of a load: 25, 50 and 100 Ohm. For resistance of losses in units of the former the value 2 Ohm is accepted. The creation of two half-sine wave pulses by duration 5 miliseconds, ratio of amplitudes 1:0,5 and energy 200 Joules was simulated. The pause between pulses makes 200 miliseconds. The results of simulation are represented for regulation on bending around power.
The circuit is optimized for the indicated parameters of pulse and range of resistance of a load 25..100 Ohm on a capacite factor of accumulated energy. Energy accumulated in a source of energy, makes 310 Joules. Thus, the capacite factor of energy for the given variant of the circuit makes about 0,64. The large part the unexpended ambassador of a cycle of creation of pulse of energy remains in a source of energy, other dissipates on parasitic resistance of units of the circuit and for want of commutations.
The maximum frequency of commutation of the former does not exceed 200 kHz. In the former the filter consisting of inductance 2 mH and capacities 0.5 mkF is used.

On the indicated below schedules by green colour the voltage on a load, red colour - current value of energy on a load is represented.

Load 25 Ohm (Energy 192 Joules)
227 pulses of commutation (average frequency of commutation 22 kHz) Results of simulation for a load 25 Ohm

Load 50 Ohm (Energy 199 Joules)
225 pulses of commutation (average frequency of commutation 22 kHz) Results of simulation for a load 50 Ohm

Load 100 Ohm (Energy 201 Joules)
210 pulses of commutation (average frequency of commutation 20 kHz)
Results of simulation for a load 100 Ohm
Here on the first pulse the insignificant distortion originating in a consequence limitations on voltage of a source of energy, eliminated by increase of capacity of a source of energy is observed.
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