Representation of Boris Gorbunov.   Former of Pulses of Defibrillation with the given Form  

The defibrillator, medical instrument necessary for restoring of a normal rhythm for activity of heart, from a technical point of view is the complex electronic device.

As the amplitude of a current of pulses of defibrillation can reach tens ampere, and energy of pulses — hundreds joules, except normalization of a rhythm of heart, and frequently savings of life of the person, the defibrillation results in negative amazing effects on tissue of the person, through which the electrical current proceeds. In this connection there is a necessity to find such optimal form of pulse defibrillation, which would provide maximum regenerating effect on heart and simultaneously minimum amazing effect on an organism.

The medical researches on this problem till now allowed to receive only recommendations of the common schedule, that is connected to difficulties of the given form of pulses because of their high power characteristics. The additional factor bounding possibilities of obtaining of the optimal form of pulses, are the requirements to weight, dimensions and cost of serial defibrillators, as the instruments should be mobile and to have a reasonable price.

Due to operations, conducted by us, the results allowing to create on serial units of electronic engineering an experimental sample of defibrillator with the set form of pulses, necessary for definition of the optimal form of pulses of defibrillation are obtained. Energy of pulses of defibrillation for the given instrument can reach 200 Joules and more for want of creation of two-polar pulses. The offered solutions were simulated with use of the PSpice program. You can look results of simulation. The control system of creation of pulses allows to set the form of pulse on envelopes of one of parameters: voltages, current or power. Other two parameters can be the bounding factor for want of creation of pulse. The creation of pulse of defibrillation on the given bending around power allows to achieve independence of energy of pulse from resistance of a patient, which can change in rather high bounds. Applied suitable for patenting the technical solutions for the first time allow to apply power commutative instruments of mass application, that promotes price cut and rise of a reliability of an item. The former provides also high capacite factor accumulated for creation of pulses energy.

The offered solutions can form the basis for creation first in the world of serial defibrillator with the optimal form of pulses appropriate on all metrics to the requirements presented to this class of instruments, including, on weight, dimensional and price metrics.

In case of your interest in cooperation on implementation of the given instrument and experimental definition of the optimal form of pulses of defibrillation address for further contacts on E-mail: Send mail

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